Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tiger mosquito found camping in Oosterhout

In the summer of 2011 at a campsite in Oosterhout found a tiger, from a company that used tire imports. This emerges from a recently published scientific article. The researchers sounding the alarm about how Edith Schippers Minister of Health addresses the problem so far.

In 2009 it was announced that dangerous exotic mosquitoes like the Asian tiger mosquito, introduced in the Netherlands with the importation of used tires. The tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) originates from Asia and can accommodate more than 20 viral diseases and parasites spread, such as dengue or dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya and encephalitis (brain inflammation). On behalf of Minister of Health Schippers has since been importers of used tires in 36 studies on the presence of tiger mosquitoes.

It now appears from an article recently published in the European Mosquito Bulletin, during that investigation last summer tiger mosquitoes found outside the tire companies. There was even a tiger found at a nearby campsite. These campsite Zonneweelde, next tire company Vrakking BV, located in the Bredaseweg 162 in Oosterhout.

Wilfred Reinhold of the platform Stop invasive exotics: "It is staggering that this important minister Schippers given all this time concealed. If on a Dutch campsite dangerous mosquitoes are found, it is the responsibility of the government that everyone will immediately be informed on? But no, only a half years later, this is known from one sub-net in a 14 pages long in English scientific article in a magazine that only a select group of specialists in the Netherlands is read. Next you need some more effort to find out to what camping is concerned. "

Researchers sounding the tocsin

In the article the researchers speak their serious concern about the approach adopted so far by Minister Schippers followed. This approach means that the tire companies are carried out periodically samples the presence of exotic mosquitoes and that pesticides are used when there are exotic mosquitoes are found. Simultaneously, the Minister companies no restriction on the import of contaminated tires.

"If the import of used tires from areas with tiger mosquitoes (and other mosquito species that are invasive for Northwest Europe) continues, these mosquitoes 'keep knocking on the door,'" say the researchers. "It remains uncertain how long this strategy will remain effective when it comes to preventing the establishment of invasive exotic mosquitoes. If there are no rules or guidelines are developed, promulgated and implemented, it is likely that in the Netherlands again invasive exotic mosquitoes will be found, along with the chance that at some point too late to prevent establishment, "says the end researchers the article.


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