Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dengue fever history and prenventions

Dengue fever, dengue fever, or, is caused by the dengue virus. This virus is transmitted from person to person by stabbing the tiger (Aedesmug). This mosquito is active during the day and occurs mainly in and around major cities. In recent years the number of dengue infections in Southeast Asia, India and Central and South America (including the Antilles) strongly. There are four types of dengue viruses. The possibility exists that a person can get dengue several times. Those who already had a dengue infection, has a five to ten times greater chance of complications from an infection with one of the other types of dengue viruses.

Average results after four to seven days (fourteen days) after infection with the dengue virus is a disease koortsend the primary symptoms of headache, muscle pain, rash and painful joints (dengue). Also nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and / or abdominal pain may occur. The fever lasts about five to seven days. After the symptoms disappear. There is a small risk of complications: skin and mucous membrane bleeding and low blood pressure being most important.
Protective measures

There is no vaccine or therapy specific for dengue, the prevention of mosquito stabbing in this case is important. Because the tiger mosquito is active during the day, in the above areas covering clothing should be worn. Lubricate exposed parts with a muggenwerend agent (DEET). If a dengue infection, received during a period with fever and the first two days after the disappearance of the fever a control. It is specifically considering the development of complications. These checks are usually outpatient. Who dengue in the Netherlands can not transfer the infection to others. Only tiger mosquitoes are responsible and are not yet in the Netherlands.
Diagnosis of dengue
During the first days of fever, we can establish a dengue infection with a rapid test that detects proteins of the virus. At a later stage of infection, we determine what we antibodies against the virus deployment.

The Department of General Internal Medicine and Department of Medical Microbiology of the UMC do scientific research into the causes of the complications of dengue. We work closely with include a university in Indonesia.


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