Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thousands of kids wet the bed at night and parents turn their backs to the problem

More than 500,000 children over five years in Argentina, and five million in Europe-wetting at night while sleeping. The prevalence rates of problem are similar worldwide. However, four out of five parents believe that is common in childhood and minimize a condition that requires evaluation and medical and psychological treatment. Over half a million kids wet the bed at night in our country, and four out of five parents ignore the problem because they believe it is recurrent in childhood and that will resolve over time.

However, pediatric urologists and pediatricians agree that bedwetting is very common among children and the situation does not diminish with age. Enuresis has similar prevalence rates worldwide and is more common in boys than in girls. However, the specific causes of this problem are not fully known. We only know that their appearance is influenced by several factors.

Across Europe, more than five million children wet the bed, and the United Kingdom, for example, is the common childhood symptom.

Nocturnal enuresis continues to affect those who are entering adulthood, one in 75 young people aged 15 to 21 years old still wets the bed.

Nocturnal enuresis is the medical term for the fact that children wet the bed. The disorder is also defined as "involuntary urination during sleep, which occurs in children over five years and did not correspond to any type of health problem at the central nervous system."

Types of disorder
There are two types of bedwetting: the primary nocturnal (ENP), which occurs in children who have never managed to have consistently dry bed at night, and secondary nocturnal enuresis (ENS), which occurs in children who have not wet the bed for at least six months.

Enuresis in children over five years is not a trivial condition and requires proper evaluation, medical treatment and often psychological.

Four out of five parents do not realize that children who wet the bed may be suffering a medical problem, and almost half ignore the problem hoping that it resolves itself.

Almost a third of parents delay making a query, usually until the child wets the bed at least five times a week.

Anguish and shame
"Bedwetting can be very distressing for children and their parents. Children with enuresis tend to feel a sense of shame. Often are isolated and to avoid social activities," says Edurne Ormaechea, Children's Hospital urologist Italian by the Center Urinary Incontinence and Fecal child (CIUFI).

The specialist added that it is also common to experience situations of ridicule from friends and parents, and this in turn will generate feelings of low self-esteem at an age when they should have intact self-image. "This is very important for the optimal development of the child's personality," reflected Ormaechea.

The situation, said the specialist, affects the family group, because often parents also feel embarrassed and distressed by what happens to your child.

Intolerant parents
Lack of knowledge about the disease is what can make parents are intolerant and irritable at the fact or the child feel like a failure and shame. More than half of parents do not allow their children to spend the nights away from home, understanding that this would avoid the subject and shame.

This makes children who wet the bed frequently lost activities like staying with friends, trips, camps and in extreme cases even avoid going to his grandparents' house.

Consult a doctor
"Early treatment can prevent consistent and psychological distress of the child allows the normal development of children and bring practical help for the family," said Ormaechea.

80% of parents believe that the main reasons why your child wets the bed are psychological, such as stress and worry. However, bedwetting can be seen as a symptom that results from a combination of factors: nocturnal polyuria, less ability to hold urine, overactive bladder, and so on.

Parents of children who wet the bed should consult their doctor to discuss possible causes and treatment.

The International Society for Urinary Incontinence in Children (ICCS) recommends that the first step in the treatment of enuresis is receiving advice from a pediatrician and a specialist in pediatric urology. "The treatment of these patients may include on medical / diet, use of alarms, counseling, biofeedback and medication-Ormaechea said. The drug used to treat enuresis is desmopressin. Studies have shown that long-term desmopressin treatment is effective and well tolerated and may help reduce episodes of enuresis. "


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