Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vitamin D may be effective in depression

The correction of vitamin D deficiency resulted in women with mild or severe depression to an improvement in their symptoms. "The vitamin may have a (yet unproven) impact on mood. And a shortage increased depression," says researcher Sonal Pathak. "If further research confirms this, we can improve the treatment of depression."
Pathak presented the results of a small study at the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society in Houston. She studied three women with depression. The women swallow antidepressants and had a vitamin D deficiency.
After twelve weeks with a vitamin D therapy was the deficit eliminated. In addition, all women reported an improvement in their depression symptoms. When a woman after therapy even a mild rather than severe depression.
Previous studies have also suggested that vitamin D affects mood and depression. According to Pathak is high time for a major study to see if the link is causal.

Bullied women have a higher risk of diabetes

Girls who are bullied at school are more likely to later in life to get a heart attack or obese.
Thus, a study by the Universities of Umeå and Stockholm, with 900 students followed from their 16th to 43rd.

The bullied girls when they reach the age of 40 often overweight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. They also have an increased risk of developing diabetes.
The worse the women were bullied, the greater the risk of poor health.

The investigation revealed that many more women to suffer from bullying at a later age than men who are bullied. The researchers could not explain this difference.

Children from immigrant families are more often overweight

Children from immigrant families in Belgium camps more often overweight or obese than their peers. That report UGentop the basis of a large-scale study in European schoolchildren. The results will be published shortly in the journal Pediatric Obesity.
Researchers from the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences of Ghent University participated in the study, which in 2010 involved more than 7,000 schoolchildren from 10 to 12 years in Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and Spain. Among them are 1,008 children from Belgium, of which about 9 percent from immigrant families. These are children of foreign mother tongue or one of whose parents was born in another country.
The study shows that in Belgium, 23 percent of children from immigrant families are overweight. When indigenous children is 14 percent. The researchers explain that children from immigrant families usually drink more soda and less regular food. Breakfast is so often about beaten. Furthermore, they watch more television, they do less sport and they sleep less. "In contrast, however, that they walk or cycle to school more often," the researchers said.

The education, income and access to health play a role. A low level of education is thus a risk factor for obesity. The researchers observe that there is a greater difference in weight in children between the southern European and northern European countries than in children from immigrant families and native children. In Greece, as 42 percent of indigenous children and 30 percent of overweight children from immigrant families.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Eat at sunset would lose weight

Summer is approaching, any advice to put her swimsuit without complex is worth taking and we have a nice new ... According to one California study, eat in the hour of sunset would lose weight!

Within two months, many of us will give way to bikinis but the problem is that we have not lost our love handles due to our excess winter. It's time to lose some weight to be better in his sneakers and go back into our favorite short of last year. Regimes and calculating calories galore? No, we have a new solution. According to a California study of the Salk Institute, dinner at the hour of sunset would help lose unwanted pounds. Indeed, American researchers have managed to establish links between the metabolic cycles of organs and mealtimes.
The study published by the magazine "Cell Metabolism" emphasizes the relationship between cycles and night snacking. "Each body has its own rhythm. This means that our livers, our intestines, our muscles and other organs alternate between peak efficiency and ... somehow ... a state of sleep" says Satchidananda Panda, principal author of this research. To summarize, it is important not to eat fat before going to bed because it completely dérèglerait cycles of your organs. Down with the pot of chocolate ice cream or sandwich before going to sleep! Instead, choose a yogurt or other low fat dairy.
In this study, mice, divided into two groups, were subjected to a high fat diet. The first group of rodents could not eat anything after having access to food over a period of eight hours while the other group could eat galore. Despite a fatty diet, the metabolism of mice that mealtimes were limited improved. Their livers have suffered much less than those of mice that could eat as much as they wanted. To lose weight, it would therefore suffice to eat at one very specific, allowing a period of eight hours between lunch and dinner. Eating schedules of sunsets would be another little trick to remove our extra pounds for summer 2012. Even if it keeps repeating you, a balanced diet and regular exercise are the first steps we should take to lose weight effectively!

Weight Loss by Focusing on misconceptions

To lose weight you must remove fats, play sports intensively helps to lose weight faster or a course of vitamins C optimizes a diet ...

There are many tricks-thinness than was confused. To keep the line, we must also take stock of received ideas.

When discussing the chapter on "how to keep the line", each has its own recipe. The problem is that digging around for info, one is likely to fall on the hoax. To help you see more clearly, discover some misconceptions about slimming tips.

The water does not lose weight
Debunking the truth: totally devoid of calories, water is involved in the satiety but does not lose weight. It especially helps to drain and eliminate toxins. No need to force yourself to drink more than one and a half liters per day. During the day, you can drink hot or cold, as tea or broth.

The ideal is to skip meals
You thought not to be hungry in the morning? The concern is that the body needs fuel to get in shape all day. Otherwise it goes into "survival". Result, the next meal, it will store any food ingested, bloating effect ensured. Better to eat something than nothing at all, even a snack. Also, be aware that the keystone of a balanced diet is the regularity.

To lose weight, you must remove the starchy
Rather, it is starches that will help you stay on track of your goals, for a starchy meal without too quickly assimilated. The feeling of hunger reappears very quickly if you remove starches from your diet. Under these conditions, impossible to hold until the next meal without snacking. Good tip: opt for pasta, cereals or whole grain rice, more filling and low glycemic index.

It should also ban the fat
It is certain that abuse of fat is bad for the line but also to health, it is unnecessary to remove them completely. Why? Just because the body needs to draw energy and that all fats are not bad. As proof, the essential fatty acids found in vegetable oils and fish are all good for the body. Also, to avoid deficiencies, choose good fats.

Make cures apple (pineapple or grapefruit)
They were all already tested, these single-food diets that advocate to eat just one product for days. The best known is perhaps the apple diet. It is certain that unless you eat it, you will lose weight. But only for a while, because when you return to a normal diet, the pounds will flow. The yo-yo effect will be at the rendezvous.

Finally, for sport, it helps to tone and burn calories. Accompanied by a balanced diet, it may even allow to mature and become lighter. Also note that the body starts to burn fat from 45 minutes of physical activity. So it is best to practice a sport that does not require pushing too hard and for long periods.

Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables for weight loss

According to a Brazilian study published in April 2008 in the journal Nutrition Research, eat 100 grams of fruit and vegetables and more each day could lose 300 grams.
For the purpose of the study, 80 overweight people, aged 30 to 65, were followed for six months.
A group increased its intake of fruits and vegetables, and another has nothing changed in his diet.
From the observations of scientists, an increase of 100 grams of daily consumption of fruits and vegetables mean a loss of 300 grams of a person's weight.
Regarding vegetables only, an increase of 100 grams of this consumption would reduce the weight of 500 grams.
Eat more fiber
Eat more fiber, vitamins C and B6, beta-carotene and folate is also associated with weight loss.
The fibers have a very significant effect on body weight: An increase of 1 gram daily consumption would correspond to a weight loss from 115 to 180 pounds after six months.

Tips and tricks to lose weight or how to lose weight

The primary motivation for engaging in a plan must be for you and you alone to get out of comparison: you are unique, your body is unique and well-being through reconciliation with oneself.
To successfully lose weight, the first factor is to allow time to gradually lose the pounds that we no longer want. Is to respect his body, taking care of yourself and be consistent with the choice of the transformation so that it operates in harmony.
checking weight loss

Losing weight can properly be considered by eating everything. Eating well means having a balanced diet.

It is important to be accompanied by a specialist who can give you advice and monitoring necessary to ensure that your plan is not a source of deprivation and danger to your health.

The plan is a start to a healthy diet. Without this overarching goal of réaprendre eat well, the plan serves not only to anything but is usually a source of weight regain and the famous yoyo effect.
The 10 tips and rules to lose weight and lose weight

A balanced day consists of three to four meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and possibly a snack.
Do not skip meals
Eat in a calm and seated
Have a physical activity, physical inactivity banish: 20mn walk made daily
Climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, do not take the car for short trips
Make your shopping list in advance to avoid the temptations of the past five minutes
Learn to read labels with the composition of products to choose
Choose food base rather than the products produced, both for your balanced diet for your budget
Do your shopping at the market at least once a week it helps:

- A variety of fresh local produce
- Direct contact with producers
- An approach to food fun and learning with your children
- Physical activity outside

A weight training consultant

Because the man is getting heavier, there is increasing demand for weight counselors who can help in controlling the weight or the healthy and sensible weight loss or weight loss. Are you interested in this subject and would you weight consultant, then you can go to various training courses for this track.
What is the appeal of weight consultant in
If weight consultant you can independently establish and run your own practice. There are also opportunities for employment in health practices in your profession to practice. Additionally, you can even via Internet or by writing compelling books on weight control, diet, weight loss and waste your money. If weight consultant is your main goal to help other people by changing their diet and / or lifestyle. You give them tips and advice on developing better eating habits and a healthy movement pattern.
In addition, they also guide you in doing this and what the claims are checked periodically. It is especially important that you approach each customer as an individual, because everyone who comes to you because of too high or too low weight has a different background and other reasons why the diet and lifestyle may not be healthy. In addition, too many people who suffer from overweight or underweight also agree with psychological problems as a consequence or cause suffering. This, too, you can map and allows you well know to go.
The Weight Consultants Association Netherlands
In the Netherlands there is a weight Consultants Association Netherlands, BGN, which many consultants weight are connected. Moreover, the LOI is the only supplier of weight training consultant to give this course as distance learning is recognized by the BGN.
A weight training consultant follow
As you may have read you like a lot more weight consultant in-house knowledge than just about diets, lines, slimming and losing weight. It is more about the total picture of the customer who comes to you and wants to lose weight. This also means that training as a weight consultant a pretty intensive training where you learn everything about include nutrition, helping people, the physical and psychological aspects of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle and set up his own practice.
Where can you follow a training consultant to weight
Some well-known training institutes that offer distance education through home study, also offer training to weight consultant. You can think of the NHA and the LOI. Distance education means that you have at your own pace from home, studying and doing your homework on the PC can send. Also, there are always opportunities to maintain contact with fellow students and teachers so that you can ask questions and can discuss certain matters. For weight training consultant is no specific training. Physical education is also possible and here you get real lesson in one location. On the website of the BGN which you can read below, find more information about this.
Difference weight consultant and dietician
The difference between a weight consultant and dietician is in particular the fact that a dietitian is all sorts of problems in the field of nutrition and weight consultant engaged mainly with weight problems.

The danger of running barefoot (and how to prevent it)

"Walking barefoot is better because natural. You feel your feet on the chances of overtraining, overstretching and other injuries decreases." So say the proponents. The only problem: who switch from regular running shoes to bare feet without intermediate, is just more likely to get injured. Learn why and what you can do to prevent it.

American doctors have sounded the alarm. The book "Born to Run 'by Christopher McDougall has had an enormous impact, from a recent survey shows that one in three is considering' barefoot 'to walk.

Of course ... problems
Given the state of our roads, it is not really walking barefoot walking in shoes that "fit like a glove. They "block" the foot is not like other shoes, proponents argue, while still protecting against rain, cold or dirty surface.

Barefoot seems natural: if we are born, and so we walk around at home (in summer). But we are more 'deformed' by our shoes than we think. Switching to "barefoot" without training or between footwear, at the Americans already ensured strained calf or inflamed Achilles tendons.

Ryan Carter Ultramarathoner it can testify. Two years ago he ditched his shoes for "barefoot shoes". The first time was at only 500 meters away, within three weeks he was already 10 kilometers. Until one training, which he runs out of step move around more. Cause? Pain in the right foot. "As if someone had beaten me with a hammer," recalls Carter himself. The doctor was inexorable: stress fracture

The cause is the different ways we use the feet. Who is with running shoes, larger fit up and lands more on the heel. Bare Feet Runners adjust and take smaller countries earlier in the mid-or forefoot.

Walk on the 'old way' in the 'new' shoes, then his calf, foot and heel problems, the logical consequence. Walking is anyway not without risk: up to 7 out of ten runners regularly experienced an overload.

Walking barefoot, how do you do it?

1) Start at the beginning
Walking around barefoot. At home, in the garden, on the beach or wherever you dare. Beware of glass, sharp stones and common to hot surfaces!

2) Slow build
Walk once every two days from 0.5 to 1.5 kilometers on bare feet, for a week. Driving the distance slowly, and stop immediately in pain. It may take months before you can walk without pain a little barefoot.

Especially trained runners here make the mistake of going too fast, they want not just a kilometer's walk, they want 'their' miles to walk the same speed. Before they can better try point 3:

3) Try 'help' shoes
Different sports brands have 'help' shoes on the market that should soften the transition. These are not "barefoot shoes" and no stiff running shoes, but somewhere in between. For example, Nike uses a scale from 1 (barefoot) to 10 (traditional shoes) to their shoes to catalog. The Nike Free shoes collection has between 3.0 and 5.0. New Balance called her collection 'Minimus', where you can choose between 'zero', 'ten' and 'twenty'. Only the latter two are used as an auxiliary shoes. "

Again, start slow. Take a short walk in these shoes. It is normal for your feet hurt the first few days or even weeks: you are currently using other muscles. Is it always better, try a short course and driving slowly. Always stop the pain, and swap in the beginning with ordinary shoes and read regularly a day of rest.

4) Walk with

Walking barefoot walk is different. Be aware of your running style conscious and take shorter steps, try different countries and the foot in a different way.
If you do not?

Contrary to what enthusiasts like to preach, not everyone benefits from walking barefoot. Such as: diabetes. They often have less feeling in their feet and therefore less likely to feel the injury. With all its consequences.

Evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman is not a wholehearted fan. After years of research into walking injuries, he is convinced that the gait matters more than the shoes (or lack thereof).

"A good running posture - and only the right landing are important." His tests revealed that more ordinary runners on the heel end, so they do shock the body, which is less by the springpas the 'barefoot runners. Yet will not he take sides: "There is still much more research is needed."

"Your trash gives cancer" - Farmer convicted for dumping asbestos

For years the dumping of asbestos at picnic spots put the court in Almelo farmer from B. Ham a fine and community service.

The 50-year-old pig farmer dumped its waste at least two years here and there in Wierden courtyard of Twente and Hellendoorn. Large amounts of asbestos from three barns which he broke. Inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause mesothelioma - an incurable form of cancer - that he thought not. B. only thought of the money so he could save by asbestos outside the rules to be undertaken.

The environmental detectives who were investigating the spoke of a 'seriedumper. They exposed the man after two years. A snippet of a letter to the asbestos debris was decisive. The farmer could not but confess. The prosecutor confronted the farmer with his handele:. "Your trash gives cancer. And you people knowingly exposed to that risk. "

The farmers get a fine of 2,000 euros and a community service of 40 hours. To avoid repetition, the court imposed 80 hours also conditionally with a probationary period of two years. Justice is still $ 10,000 claim. That would be B. 's advantage to the asbestos legally removed.

Fitness Coach testifies to experiment consciously from fit to fat and back

Personal trainer Drew Manning in his health after one year of the experiment personally experienced the consequences of obesity. At 26 weeks he came up to 32 kilos. The battle for everything returned to finish him therefore insight into the lives of overweight. Like no other, he realizes now how difficult it can be to motivate yourself to eat healthy and moving much.

In an attempt to empathize with the situation of his clients, decided fitness coach Drew Manning himself an unhealthy lifestyle and then take over the fight with the excess pounds to go. Apart from the physical symptoms, he and his wife Lynn especially shocked by the emotional consequences of obesity.

"I was really shocked because I thought it was purely physical changes would go because he deliberately wanted to thicken then back to lose weight. His whole personality, however, seemed to change: he was lazy, did not do more in the household and was anything but good father he was before. "testifies Drews wife.

Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit
His physical transformation could be followed throughout the year on a website and was eventually translated into the book 'Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75lbs on Purpose', in which his wife could fill a chapter with her experience . The result of this 52-week experiment was shown yesterday in 'Good Morning America. "

During the 6 months full of burgers, ready-made meals, desserts, white bread and soft drinks, including Drew that he soon became accustomed to his new diet and the epic portions on his plate. At the same time he felt still be unhealthy. Even his two year old daughter run chase in the kitchen, quickly proved quite a task that made him gasp for breath.

Moreover, his mood became more grim. "He was a real grompot and had no endorphins which he constantly felt miserable, depressed even, and ran incessantly to complain," said Lynn.

"People make jokes about it, but it was not the manboobs or disappeared figure who made it so heavy, it was the emotional changes. He was just another man," she continues. It was only by the harsh words of his wife, Drew saw the light.

"I started to snore and walked everywhere abrasions. I also had much less energy and saw that my relationship was negative," he testifies. Drew was also genuinely unhappy when, after the 26 weeks thicken again to start exercising. He had pumps on his knees and could not do more pull-ups unassisted. A whole degradation so for a professional. He felt their own words for the first time in his life even ashamed to enter the gym.

Lesson learned
In his book Drew beside his testimony also a lot of tips to inspire people who believe that a healthy lifestyle is an unattainable goal. Here is his top 5.

1. Plan sufficient breaks during the move. This avoids the feeling that you fail because you would not always routine can hold.

2. Prepare your meals should be available in advance to escape the lure of the ubiquitous fast food.

3. Do not dwell on light products. Sugar Bombs as breakfast bars and fruit juices may also end up on your hips.

4. Understanding the psychological battles (food addiction, fear of being judged in the gym, ...) associated with weight loss, are a step in the right direction to overcome them effectively.

5. Do not focus too much on your weight because you can be very unhealthy weight loss. Mik initially in a medically healthy body.

City, college and companies together for Healthy Nutrition

Today eleven made ​​their commitment to the knowledge partners' Feed Food Health project "known by a letter of intent to sign in the hall of Tienen.

  The Feed Food Health project in Tienen seeks the knowledge of healthy nutrition to expand and in practice to convert. The Feed Food Health campus will create an innovative climate for research, development and production in the broad field of nutrition and will Tienen and the wider region a center of a healthy diet make.

  For the development and realization of Feed Food Health and Feed Food Health campus is the city of Tienen went looking for several partners: companies, knowledge institutions (universities, colleges and strategic research), competence poles, intermediary organizations and social actors become a true innovation culture.

32 percent of the workers is open to health check

Kamp Minister of Social Affairs and Employment has latren research into the long-term employability of workers in the Netherlands. That research shows that 32 percent of workers in the Netherlands is open to a health check, but that only thirteen percent annual health check is offered. That report

Previous research has shown that an annual health check is a good way for health workers to monitor and improve. 92 percent of employers in the Netherlands is willing to enter such a check. More than half of employees feel that the employer the results of health research should not know.

Advice on breast cancer research to update

Currently, all women aged 50 to 75 years every 2 years an invitation for screening.

The Minister asked the Health Council to broad look at updating the advice and sounds from medical journals to carry. Thus, doubted the usefulness of regular health screening because overdiagnosis would provide. Contrast, there are also recommendations to correct age to begin screening for more cases of early breast cancer to detect.

Let's Hunting Tips Health Health Axis

THE number of users who pay close attention to health Axis, Axis provides a new service called mHealth.

The service allows customers to get various information via SMS on tips to lose weight, keep in shape and tips to quit smoking.

'' We have been providing mobile phone platform that can help them (customers) improve health,'' said Chief Marketing Officer of Axis Daniel Horan.

To provide such services, Axis worked with health service providers PurpleTeal USA Inc (PurpleTeal). Chief Executive Officer Ram Narayanan admitted PurpleTeal very pleased to be able to help expand health services to Indonesia and hopes to help customers maintain their health Axis.

Customers who want to use the service simply send an SMS to 3477 with a subscription rate Rp1.100 per SMS.

Information about losing weight can be obtained by sending an SMS bearing Reg trim, quit smoking tips with Reg sm typing, and general health care healthy Reg.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The advice of a health professional for surfing safely

"The most common injuries for snowboarders are sprains, muscular creases, lacerations, dislocations and fractures, which are often caused by their own board," recalls Kenneth Samuel Taylor, professor of family and preventive medicine at School of Medicine at UC San Diego. He also wears the hat of medical director of the International Surfing Association, which writes medical protocols Championships World Surfing Games.

Samuel Taylor states that the various protections for surfing on the market "does not completely prevent injuries." The surf leash, strap connecting the ankle of the surfer with his board, protective equipment is the most common: it allows the rider to stay close to his board, for use as a buoy in case of injury, and reduced the risk of collision with stray boards of other surfers. Samuel Taylor explains that it may yet cause another risk, since it increases the chances for the surfer to take a hit of his own board.

"This is why it is important to always stay focused and to protect his head with his arm after a fall," said the specialist. "Of course, surfers should check before going into the water as weather and sea conditions can surf safely."

Shark attacks are extremely rare, but injuries caused by bites sting (the famous "stingrays") are far more common, according to Samuel Taylor. To counteract the poison, we can apply hot water. It is also advisable to move his feet when walking in shallow waters to alert the fish of his presence.

The shallow coral reefs are also risks. "The injuries caused by contact with coral reefs usually heal slowly because of the different toxins and other microbes found there," said Samuel Taylor. "In many cases, deep cleaning, antibiotics and vaccination against tetanus may be necessary".

We must not forget his sunscreen (and focus on those that protect both UVA and UVB) or clothes that protect against UV rays, such as neoprene tops (which also prevent irritation). Finally, it is wise to avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 16 hours.

Prolonged exposure to cold water and wind can cause exostosis (bone formation in the ear canal), known in the jargon as "surfer's ear", which can lead to otitis externa. To prevent infection, Samuel Taylor recommends "dry your ears after applying a solution of equal parts white vinegar and half rubbing alcohol".

Summer 2012 Advice to choose its sun glasses before going on holiday

If the sunny days are struggling to get on the Hexagon, ultraviolet rays are harmful, even with a cloudy day. With the approach of the first holiday departures, the National Association for the Improvement of sight (ASNAV) provides advice and recommendations, to enable users to choose appropriate protection to preserve their sight during the summer. Contrary to popular belief, the skin is not the only victim of the sun. The latter is also responsible for ophthalmia, health problems characterized by a burn of the cornea.

The frame selection is very important
The National Association for the Improvement of calls for individuals to prefer a flexible solar mount and adapted to the shape and size of their face. It is important that the frame of the goggles and face the solar envelope is properly attached to the base of the nose and behind the ears. This trick will offer some comfort to users, and allow children not to lose the glasses if dropped.

Choose glasses with the "CE"
Opticians are highly trained professionals to deliver advice on sunglasses, including models dedicated to children. It is recommended to consult with a purchase of this type, especially because they know their suppliers and have glasses feature "CE", essential to ensure a good quality filter. It is strongly advised to opt for glasses gadgets. If they wear a label "EC", there is no evidence provided that the regulation has not been circumvented. Opticians can only require their suppliers pledges of regulatory compliance.

The color of the glass is not necessarily a guarantee of quality
The ASNAV called users not to buy glasses based solely on the color of the glass, arguing that "a colored glass filter does not necessarily UV". The glass material and its treatment are the two elements needed to provide good protection. In fact, a transparent glass can quite match everyone's needs. Some colors, like blue or pink, however, are to be banned.

For children
The eyes of the smallest are even more fragile than adults. Parents should ensure that their children are well protected from UV rays. As mentioned above, children should wear frames adapted to the shape of their face. It is also recommended to choose sunglasses that fit perfectly on the base of the nose and behind the ears, so that the temples are preserved indirect rays. The ASNAV particularly advises to buy a cord to keep the glasses on the faces of children.

Conduct and sunglasses
Initially, the French who drive to go on holiday are required to achieve control of their sight for optimal security. In addition to eyeglasses, essential driving, drivers should wear sun when the weather is bright. The objective is to eliminate glare while driving. The Association recommends that motorists choose polarized lenses because they reduce the reverberation. Another tip: avoid the Class 4 glasses because they are too dark for driving.

60 age group most unfaithful in relationships

Infidelity in relationships is most common in people over 60, followed by the group of people aged 35 and younger. According to a study by the University of Washington to take data from different studies from 1991-2006 brought together.
According to researcher David Atkins is unfaithful during the studied period increased, writes BodyTalk. The rate of infidelity in people over 60 is estimated at 28 for men and 15 for women.

For people aged 35 and younger that 20 and 15 percent. That the group aged 36-59 is faithful, may be the result of the acceptance of life choices, or the fact that worries with work and family little time left for an illegitimate adventure.

Young people, for their part might be quicker whether they chose the right partner and people over 60 begin to worry about possible again. The American studies show that the infidelity in the period 1991-2006 increases, although that is possibly due to the fact that people in more admit infidelity investigations.

"An additional explanation for the increasing number of unfaithful people over 60 is also the fact that people stay healthier for longer. Even Viagra, hormone replacement therapy and hip prostheses explain why they remain sexually active longer," says Body Talk

Half of young gynecologists want to go abroad

More than half of gynecologists in training are considering to leave Belgium for a career abroad.
Three to four assistants intend to work part-time, 30% even only three days a week. Newspaper reports that the Specialists on gynecology.

The most remarkable figures comes from a recent survey organized by the Flemish Association for Obstetrics and Gynaecology (obstetrics and gynecology). In 2011, Flanders 135 registered obstetricians in training. They were all sent a questionnaire and the response rate was 26%. Thus, the results are representative, says Bram Pouseele gynecologist in training specialists in the newspaper.

Potential immigrants

Striking figure is the high number of potential emigrants. Flanders is not (more) attractive? Doctor Pouseele qualifies. A number of assistants is of Dutch descent and returns after the training simply return to the homeland. Nevertheless, the number of gynecologists that away would be highly unlikely.

Also strong is that three out of four assistants says the occupation only wish to pursue part-time, even 30% just three days a week. This has everything to do with the feminization. 80 to 85% of the gynecologists younger than 35 are women. Of responses was seen, 91% of female doctors, only 9% of respondents were men. Male assistants who continue to opt for a full time career, so they give themselves.

Work and personal life

(Female) needs work and private gynecologists strictly separated: 87% of the assistants is in favor of defined wait on weekends and on weekdays. There is an obstetrician on duty for all interventions. Only 13% would always be accessible on weekdays and no obstetrician is willing to night and day, 7 on 7, are available. Times have clearly changed ...

It is interesting that assistants gynecology private practice begin to find less attractive because of the additional administrative and organizational burden. Hospitals win so again appeal, said the newspaper Specialists. 84% of gynecologists in the making is in favor of an association with all gynecologists in the hospital and wants to play a pooling financial commitment.

Healthier work is close to home

The greater the distance between work and home, the greater the risk of poor health, obesity and hypertension. Healthiest who works close to home and stepping away, run or cycle bridged.
The move to work on time and which absorbs at the expense of other activities such as playing with the children, contact with friends and acquaintances and physical activity in the garden, on a sports field or go on.

Long road is not good for health, as it turns yet again. This time two U.S. studies.

Passive commuters ...

American doctors followed a group of 4,300 adults in the state of Texas and their figures were published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Who more than 22.5 kilometers from home went to work, ran a pretty big risk of obesity and poor physical condition.

A commuting distance of more than 15 kilometers was associated with increased blood pressure.

Just as unhealthy as watching television ...

Remarkably, not long since in the car is very unhealthy. Just as unhealthy even watch television. Behind the wheel or television down the metabolism to an absolute resting level. You consumed at that time 75 to 90% less fat than if you are physically active light.

This leads to an increase in the amount of fat in the blood, a first unhealthy situation.

But the fats accumulate in the muscle fibers and also disrupt the metabolism there. Another unhealthy development which include contributing to a sharp drop of the good HDL cholesterol.

The accumulated fat to the muscle fibers also less sensitive to insulin, causing blood sugar levels in the longer remains undesirably high.

These are only 3 facets of this unwanted effect. During a normal night's sleep, they do not arise because the metabolism during sleep in a different way than is controlled during the day.

Costs for health

Long travel times between home and work also mainly at the expense of active pursuits, the charged Thomas Christian from Brown University. Who cooks, there remains time to take the time you pull out for meals will remain relatively stable.

But physical activity and sport are less vital and therefore is especially then skimped. The longer the journey, the less time is taken to have something physical to do. Understandable, because in a long car, train or bus down, is quite tiring.

Traffic congestion and delays contribute not only to lost working hours, but also to additional expense for our public health and an important loss of health.

More active

A few years ago showed, inter alia, Bas de Geus of the Free University of Brussels that active cycling trips to work and back a significant condition profit. Cyclists are healthier, less often sick and absent at work. They are more productive and mentally refreshed. A smart government invests more in cycling facilities, is the opinion of Bas de Geus.

The work of the Beggar is confirmed by other many other studies. If the resident movement active bridges, cycling, running or walking, has significantly less problems with obesity, high fat in the blood, increased blood pressure, diabetes and other health alarms.

Who lives close enough to work for this option, so can kill two birds with one stone. The time on the road is no longer lost time, but is converted into real health benefits.

Pregnant women who drink or smoke fine

If the Ukrainian government depends risk pregnant women who are caught with a beer, a glass of wine or a cigarette soon a fine of € 8.
According to the government in Kiev lost on public health and intellectual capacity due to the excessive drinking of its future mothers. Their unhealthy habits would contribute to the biological degradation of the population.

There is a bill on the table that provides a penalty of 8 euros for pregnant women who are caught smoking or drinking. An amount not bad in Ukraine, where the bulk of the population less than 200 euros a month. The threat of a fine will encourage women to adopt healthier lifestyles, believe the doctors who support the bill.

Discrimination, human rights activists say. Alcohol and cigarettes are bad for everyone, not just for pregnant women. Ukraine would be better to work on a general ban on smoking in public places, including restaurants and public transport instead of focusing on the future mothers.

Highly educated risk factor

While everyone knows that smoking and drinking during pregnancy is bad for the baby, many European women do not really sleep over. Highly educated pregnant women even less than others. Selected at random, one gets a view of becoming the drinking behavior during pregnancy. That's not wrong. In Dublin drink 65 percent of pregnant women excessively in Barcelona 45 percent, half in Canada and the Netherlands 35 to 50 percent.

Many women do not realize that small quantities (eg 1 glass per day) whether physical or mental harm to the unborn child can cause. Can, because alcohol will not always be problems. In one his few too many drinks per week, another drink but no effect on the fetus. Consequently it is very difficult to provide a safe limit for alcohol in pregnancy to determine. Nothing drinking is the only safe option.

Arizona Immigration rejected healthcare

The U.S. Supreme Court has an important part of a controversial immigration from Arizona rejected. Agents can not rise without check or arrested illegally in the country.

Also, the illegal immigrants are not allowed to work and they do not always have their papers in their pocket. Arizona, which lies on the border with Mexico, had the law was passed to deter illegal immigrants.

The decision of the court is seen as a boost for President Obama. He had vehemently opposed the law in Arizona and found that only the federal government for immigration may keep busy.

With that reasoning, the Supreme Court did not fully participate and therefore became part of the controversial law is not thrown in the dustbin: the police, the ability to hold people if they suspect they are illegal in the country. However, the agents indicate where the suspicion is based.

The Supreme Court ruled today that minors can not get life without possibility of parole. The case was brought by two boys of 14 in two separate cases were convicted of murder and therefore life had been.

Although strongly taken into account was that the Supreme Court today, the statement about Obamacare would announce, that did not happen. The judges will decide on Thursday whether Obama's plans for healthcare reform in conflict with the U.S. Constitution.

Dentists Disciplinary Tribunal disagreed with statement

Dentist Astrid Schneiderat from Hippolytushoef to the Regional Disciplinary Board for the Health of the BIG register will be deleted. It may in the Netherlands no longer work as a dentist.
Dentist Schneiderat against the ruling and will appeal to the Central Disciplinary Board. According to her lawyer may take as long as that procedure is just continue to pursue its work in practice Hippolytushoef.

The Regional Disciplinary Board of Health has ruled in eight cases. In five cases, the complaints largely upheld. The statement further read that there are over a dozen cases against her walk.

Also read the following message from the Inspectorate of November 1, 2011
Inspection dentist recommends Schneiderat work to resign
The Health Care Inspectorate (IGZ) on October 31, 2011 Dentist dentist Schneiderat of Hippo Hippolytushoef given the command to immediately stop its work as a dentist.

On October 26, visited the inspection practice in Hippolytushoef. The reason for the visit were complaints about the way dental care is performed and organized. The inspectorate has decided on a warrant to practice as close to the situation that the inspection found a significant risk to the patient is.

• the WIP guideline infection control in dental practice is sufficiently complied with. So hit the dentist with her gloves all sorts of objects, while incurring the same glove in the mouth of the patient was. Furthermore, the jacket of the dentist are visibly contaminated, not all soap dispensers and hand hands to operate, mouth hanging under the chin or nose caps in the neck and was the splash goggles worn on the hair. The systematic monitoring of the satisfactory operation of the autoclave is missing, making disinfection of dental instruments can not be guaranteed.
• there is not complied with the Nuclear Energy Act. Dutch expertise including a radiation certificate can not be displayed and the maintenance report of the X-ray equipment is not present.
• the practice does not meet the requirements as stated in the Law on Medical Treatment Agreement. Files are not up to date and consent to treatment is not stored.
Because of this risk for the patient, the inspectorate has given the command to immediately no patient care. This measure remains in force until the inspection is of the opinion that the quality of care meets the conditions for appropriate care.

Employer may intervene with smoking or obesity

An employer has the right to intervene if an employee smokes two packs of cigarettes per day or 140 pounds. That says Minister Kamp (Social Affairs) in response to an inquiry of his own ministry.

The study shows that only one in five employees believe their boss they may account for smoking or obesity. "If you get a salary, you must perform. And that goes better with a good health. It is up to employees to be appealing and remain in the labor market. By working on their knowledge and skills, but also by staying fit, "said the minister.

Kamp argues that some employers already take measures for their staff to speak to unhealthy lifestyles and fitness programs or recommendations they give. 'A positive approach is also extremely important. "The minister sees no bread in force, certainly not from The Hague. "The employer must decide for themselves how he will handle this."

The complete history of cancer disease

Cancer occurs not just happen. There is a long-term accumulation of errors in the DNA is required. British scientists have that disease history for two types of cancer mapped.
Just a bit of a substantial lifting a cigarette taken? Then your DNA optater another big deal. For every fifteen cigarettes you smoke, sneaking a genetic error in your genome. How bad can that be? Not really. Your body is in fact perfectly capable of making mistakes in DNA repair. Since the cell has been designed for all kinds of repair services.

But go long enough to smoke and repair services can no longer keep up. A more permanent errors creep into your DNA, with the emergence of a cancer hazard. But do not just cancer arises. It has a full medical history.

Cancer Genome
British cancer researchers at the prestigious Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have now two types of cancer that history mapped: lung cancer and melanoma, the most malignant form of skin cancer. The researchers have compiled a cancer genome with all DNA mistakes in the course of time have slipped into the genome. This performance is good for two articles in Nature this week.

Why lung cancer and melanoma? Because of these two types of cancer known what the main cause. That's smoking for lung cancer and UV light for melanoma. The incompetent researchers compared cells from a patient with lung cancer and normal cells from lung and skin. They let it loose on advanced techniques and repeated the tests sixty to seventy times to make sure that they made no mistakes.

Thus the British discovered that someone with lung cancer some 23,000 DNA errors. A melanoma patient has even more than 30,000. Moreover, the researchers identify exactly what errors were the result of smoking or UV light and other causes what errors had.

Final push
Imagine that scientists discover which DNA fatal errors exactly one cell and that cell that push into the abyss and so this is a cancer. Then there are specific medications.

According to the director of the institute Mark Walport is the future of cancer treatment. On a tailor-made treatment. An expensive joke, because the equipment is expensive, tests are time consuming and often need to be repeated, but nevertheless hopeful.

Anyone who does not want to wait, what can the cancer story also raises concerns in their own hands: stop smoking. After fifteen years all the cancer cells disappeared. Probably because the body cleans itself of unhealthy cells and replaces by new cells provided by stem cells in the lung.

Cigarette smoking increases the risk of skin cancer

Smoking increases the risk of various cancers. And were all ten forms of cancer known to be caused by harmful substances from tobacco smoke. There is now another one with skin cancer.
Smoking increases, as is known, your risk of lung cancer. And also a lot: about ninety percent of all cases of lung cancer is the direct result of the habit of regular cigarette, cigar or sjekkie to stabbing. But smoking can also cause many other cancers. Namely, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, esophageal cancer, tumors in the mouth and throat, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, cervical cancer and acute myeloid leukemia. To those not already very modest list can now be added another one: skin cancer.

In the journal Archives of Dermatology this week is a meta-study of the relationship between smoking and various types of skin cancer. With such a meta-study looks at research into a subject so far been published, whichever is scientifically sufficient quality, and then the results of all previously published studies on lumped together and analyzed again.

According to the meta-study conducted by the British medical researcher Jo Leonardi-Bee, and two colleagues, smoking increases the risk of a specific type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. This is a relatively common form of cancer in the Netherlands, about one in four thousand people got to do. Regularly sucking on a cigarette like your chances this form of skin cancer by about 52 percent. That makes smoke, you risk squamous cell carcinoma, it is roughly as dangerous as the UV light to which you exposed if you regularly in the sun is baking. For other types of skin cancer was found no link with smoking.

Nevertheless there are some things to criticize in this study. Leonardi-Bee As already pointed out, and in an accompanying commentary in the same journal we read, the conclusion that smoking can cause squamous cell carcinoma is ultimately based on only six independent studies. The other scientific studies on this phenomenon were not strong enough to sit together to take in the meta-study.

What weather certainly does not mean that the conclusion of the study now published nonsense. As crazy is the idea that smoking can cause skin cancer finally not. You inhale the smoke of cigarettes while in, so your lungs are most at risk. But the carcinogens from the smoke is coming in part through your lungs into your bloodstream. After your blood these chemicals to various corners of your body. Hence the chance of smoking all the other types mentioned cancer, in organs not directly exposed to the smoke.

Fathers’ smoking raises risk of cancer in children

FATHERS who smoke pass on damaged DNA to their children - raising the risk of cancer, research shows.

A study found that smoking harms the father’s DNA, and these damaged genes can be inherited by his children. This raises the risk of youngsters developing childhood cancers, particularly leukaemia, warn researchers at the University of Bradford.

Because a fertile cell takes three months to fully develop, fathers should kick the habit 12 weeks before conceiving to avoid the risk, Dr Diana Anderson said. She added: ‘Smoking by fathers at the time around conception can lead to genetic changes in their children. These changes may raise the risk of developing cancer.’

Meanwhile scientists at the University of Glasgow have also found that men who drink lots of tea are far more likely to develop prostate cancer. They found that those who drank seven or more cups a day had a 50 per cent higher risk of contracting the disease than men who had three or fewer.

Cancer-stricken child's Mexican plight sheds light on other Scots cases

The plight of a cancer-stricken Scots girl whose family want to bring her home to die from Mexico has highlighted similar cases across the country.

Olivia Downie, from Fraserburgh, was diagnosed with stage four Neuroblastoma three years ago - the aggressive form of childhood cancer attacks the nervous system and can affect the lungs, skin and brain.

The seven-year-old's family raised thousands of pounds in order to fly out to Mexico for "last ditch" treatment in an effort to save the youngster. That treatment has now failed and her family wish to get Olivia back home before she dies - but doctors have so far refused to let her travel back to Scotland without specialist medical support.

A flight is now on standby to bring Olivia home as her family play a waiting game, in the hope that their dying daughter’s condition can improve enough to allow her to fly back to Scotland.

Following an emotional appeal last week from the youngster’s parents, Lauren and Steven, £140,000 has been received in donations from people across the country.

The money will be used to pay for the flights and Olivia’s hospital stay and treatment at the Hope 4 Cancer Institute in Mexico.

The FAN (Families Against Neuroblastoma) charity, who have been in direct contact with the parents since Olivia was first diagnosed, has been thrown into the limelight in recent days as news of the youngster’s deteriorating condition has developed.

But Olivia is not alone in her battle. The charity is currently dealing with three other similar cases throughout Scotland, where children will have to travel abroad for specialist treatment not available in the UK in an attempt to beat the same disease.

Alex Noble, from Edinburgh, was diagnosed with stage four Neuroblastoma at just 20 months old.

After over a year of treatment - involving intensive chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy - scans in June 2011 revealed a new tumour which meant that he had relapsed just weeks after completing the treatment cycle.

Now aged three years old, the youngster needs to go abroad as soon as possible to receive specialist treatment as his family’s last hope.


In Elgin, three-year-old tot Isla Simpson is also battling the disease - which is named as the second most common cause of childhood death after domestic accidents.

Most children are not diagnosed until they are in the later stages of the disease. Isla was four months old when her family were given the news that she had stage 4 Neuroblastoma. She received eight courses of chemotherapy followed by surgery to remove the main tumour - completing almost two years of treatment in January 2011.

Although the youngster is currently in remission, her family have to wait and see whether she will reach her three-year, or five-year, survival targets.

At only 15% for long-term survival of all cases, they have to play a waiting game while they hope that Isla is one of the lucky ones.

The disease is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in children under the age of five, and also blighted Iona Daniels’ life when she was just 18 months old.

The Glasgow youngster, who is now four-years-old, has undergone 14 months of treatments in the hope of a cure. Although Iona has now been diagnosed as having no evidence of the disease left, it is only the beginning of a long battle for her and her family.

With a high relapse rate, Neuroblastoma reappearing is their worst nightmare, but the family are hoping to be prepared with fundraising in place should their little one need to go abroad for more treatment.

Like Olivia, the youngsters may have to travel to Germany or further afield where they will receive specialist treatment but this all comes at a cost.

Talking previously about the level of support and funds raised for Olivia, her mum Lauren said her daughter’s story has “opened people’s eyes” to the seriousness of the situation.

She added: “It just shows how kind folk can be and how Olivia has opened people’s eyes to the seriousness of the situation and how caring and supportive the community has been. I don’t expect any numbers to rise and I’m really shocked at that amount.

"It helps us to know there are people at home waiting for us and they want us to come home and they are showing a lot of human compassion for Olivia."

Although the specialist treatment has sadly failed in Olivia’s case, it has brought some success to another youngster also living with the common childhood cancer.

The plight of Coonah Broom, from Wales, is what inspired the Downies to take Olivia to Mexico for treatment. He was first diagnosed when he was four-and-a-half years old and his family were told he would not live to see his fifth birthday.

The ten-year-old has since defied all the odds after undergoing the treatment at the Hope 4 Cancer institute in Mexico four years ago, and although he is not cured of the disease, the "miracle treatment" is said to have kept it at bay.

Weight-loss surgery: Patients get best diabetes results

After gastric bypass surgery, people with  Type 2 diabetes often see their disease completely  disappear  — within weeks, before they’ve lost much or any weight.

It doesn’t work for everyone, though.  What are the factors that matter? A study by a team of scientists from the University of Massachussetts looked into that. Here are their findings, which were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.

The scientists looked at remission of diabetes in 139 patients, ages 48 to 57, who’d had gastric bypass surgery. All had body mass indexes between 33 and 75. The patients were tracked for one year.

When it came to remission, here’s what didn't matter:

-- What their weight was at the start.

-- Whether they had lost any weight after six weeks or after one year.

And here’s what did matter:

-- Whether their diabetes was so severe they were taking insulin — if so, the chance of recovery was lower.

-- Whether the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas (the beta cells) had reduced function, as measured by something called the glucose disposition index. Patients with a GDI 30% of normal or lower were less likely to recover.

Some numbers: As a group, two weeks after surgery 36% of patients didn’t need diabetes medications anymore. By one year, 67% could go med-free.

Among those who weren’t on insulin and didn’t have that low glucose disposition index, 96% got off their diabetes meds.

In a press release from the bariatric surgery association (the article isn’t yet published), senior author Richard A. Perugini said the findings seem to be saying that they key factor is how far along a person’s diabetes has progressed at the time the surgery was done.

Scientists know that weight loss helps improve diabetes. But how can gastric bypass surgery resolve diabetes before any weight is lost? What’s going on in the body to make that happen? That's still unclear, but there are some theories.

In the most common type of bypass surgery, known as Roux-N-Y, a stretch of the small intestine, the bit nearest the stomach, is bypassed.  And that could be metabolically significant, because the small intestine is far from being just a fleshy tube through which nutrients are passively absorbed. In response to the nutrients, the gut is busy releasing hormones of one stripe or another, with a variety of effects on brain and body.

 In one theory, called the “hindgut hypothesis,” the key factor after surgery is the faster delivery of food to farther-along stretches of small intestine. That leads to increased release of certain hormones, such as one called GLP-1.

In another theory — the “foregut hypothesis” — what’s key is the fact that the foregut is bypassed. That supresses the secretion of certain other hormones.

Here's a study, described in a WebMD article, that suggests changes in levels of certain amino acids could be involved in putting the body to metabolic rights after surgery.

Finally, Thomas H. Maugh II wrote about the various kinds of weight loss surgery in a 2011 Los Angeles Times article. Note that lap band surgery, in which there is no bypass of bits of the small intestine, does not resolve diabetes until significant weight is lost. The study has shown, those who underwent weight-loss surgery had reduced risks of a heart attack and a stroke after seven years of the surgery.
Although the study does not give enough evidence that it is the weight-loss surgery that reduces the risk of cardiac problems, there are other studies which also support that hypothesis.
Weight-loss surgeries such as gastric bypass and gastric band have many risks of their own and are recommended only for extremely obese patients.
However, the findings suggest the procedure provides quite a few benefits to the patients, said study co-author Dr. John Morton, Director of Bariatric Surgery and Surgical Quality at Stanford University School of Medicine. "For most of them, they came back to normal," he said. "There were roughly about a dozen measurements altogether, and there were substantial improvements across the board," reports Health Day.
Weigh-loss surgeries basically help a patient control the amount of food intake and according to a Swedish study published in January in the Journal of the American Medical Association, reduce the risk of death from a heart attack.
For the study, researchers observed 182 patients(mostly women), who were around 44 years of age. The researchers tracked the patients for seven years and found that their cholesterol level fell from 184 to 174, LDL cholesterol dropped from 113 to 92, and triglycerides fell from 151 to 87.
Also, a considerable drop in the level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein was found, which again indicated a reduced risk of cardiac diseases.
According to Dr. Robin Blackstone, President of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, the research is important since it tracks the effects of weight-loss surgery on patients over several years. The procedure could help patients cut down risks via weight loss.
However, weight loss surgeries also have negative impacts, warns Lona Sandon, an Assistant Professor of Clinical Nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, says the report.
Although it can help people lose weight quickly, "which is important for people who are at high risk, such as those with heart disease and uncontrolled diabetes," it also bears the risk of causing complications, such as infections, she said.
"Also, it can lead to malnutrition, as the amount of food someone can eat is very restricted and because part of the intestine is bypassed, meaning some nutrients cannot be absorbed," she added.
The study is scheduled to be presented on Wednesday at the annual meeting of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, in San Diego.

Cancer in Women lives as charity launches new campaign

SCOTLAND’S only dedicated breast cancer research unit has launched a fundraising initiative – One Day.

They are asking supporters to choose a day when they will attempt to raise the cost of funding the lifesaving research the unit carries out on that One Day.

The Breakthrough Breast Cancer Scotland research unit at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh needs £2200 of donations daily to fund scientists’ search for new and better treatments.

One Day supporters register online to fund their day, and theirs alone to remember, celebrate and make a difference.

Here, three women whose lives have been touched by breast cancer reveal what day they will choose – and open their hearts about why the work of the Breakthrough charity’s scientists is so important to them.

They also reveal their One Day wish for breast cancer.
KIRSTY Grierson will always remember November 5 – it was the day her mum Julie broke the news she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Her One Day wish is that no other family will have to live under the same shadow that cancer cast across hers.

Kirsty, of South Queensferry, near Edinburgh, was just 15 when, on November 5, 2005, her parents confirmed her worst fears.

Tests revealed mum-of-three Julie carried the BRAC 1 gene, meaning she had an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

Just two months after finding out she carried the faulty gene, she found the cancerous lump in her breast.

Kirsty said: “I was in fourth year at school and in the middle of my prelim exams. I knew there was ­something going on with mum. My mum and dad sat my two brothers and me down and told us mum had been diagnosed with breast cancer.”

Kirsty, now 22 and working as an account executive with an Edinburgh public relations firm, remembers breaking down in tears as she was told the news.

But she said her mum remained upbeat.

And now, seven years on, as Kirsty prepares to undergo genetic testing to find out if she too carries the BRAC 1 gene, she says it is having her mum by her side that keeps her strong.

Kirsty said: “I do remember there being difficult days.

“But mum and dad tried to keep things as normal as possible.

“As a family it brought us closer together and from the beginning mum’s ­attitude was, ‘Let’s do it. Let’s beat this.’

“We never saw mum’s diagnosis as a death sentence but rather something that we needed to deal with and beat.

“Mum had to have a double mastectomy and it was hard to watch her go through ­chemotherapy but she was so strong and so brave that she has taught me not to live in fear of the disease.”
AFTER 10 months of battling cancer, August 12 marked an important step in Julie ­Grierson’s life.

It was the day the mum-of-three returned to work – ­notably as an oncology nurse at the Edinburgh Cancer Centre, within the Western General Hospital.

Julie – Kirsty’s mum – was diagnosed with breast cancer just months after tests revealed she carried the BRAC 1 gene – which meant she had an increased risk of ­developing breast and ovarian cancer.

Following her cancer diagnosis, Julie, now 48, of South ­Queensferry, had both breasts removed, full reconstruction surgery, six months of ­chemotherapy and then had her ovaries removed in a pre-emptive bid to stop her getting ovarian cancer.

Now, as her daughter Kirsty prepares to undergo genetic testing, Julie’s One Day wish is that none of her children have inherited the faulty gene.

Julie, who was just 41 when she was diagnosed with cancer, said: “My dad’s mum had breast cancer, my aunt had breast cancer and ovarian cancer,

my cousins suffered breast and ovarian cancer and even my dad died from prostate cancer, so as a family we did wonder what was going on.

“When tests revealed I had the BRAC 1 gene it was a shock but at the same time we suspected there might be some kind of genetic link.

“Knowing I had this gene meant everything happened very quickly when I did find a lump in my breast and, even though it turned out to be an aggressive type of cancer, it had not spread anywhere.

“Years ago we didn’t have this genetic knowledge and it is only because of the research that has been carried out that families like mine now know about this gene, which not only makes both you and your doctor more aware but gives you choices about steps you might want to take to prevent the disease.”

Julie admits that while she and husband George, 52, put on a brave face for their three ­children – Craig, now 25, Kirsty and Calum, 19 – she often found recovery tough.

And she says feeling well enough to return to work – and helping other cancer patients – was a major step.

She said: “Looking back I probably did return to work too soon but at the time it was hugely important to me to get back to work, as there had been days when I feared I never would.

“Being ill and off work can leave you feeling pretty scared and vulnerable and you lose your confidence about the job you do.

“I actually found the emotional side of my recovery harder than going through the treatment itself and getting back to work was a really big day for me.”

She added: “My One Day wish is that my children haven’t inherited the BRAC 1 gene and that the research Breakthrough is carrying out will stop any other families being touched by cancer in the same way my family has.
AS Gaynor Salisbury battles secondary breast cancer, the One Day she has chosen to raise funds for research does not relate to her own battle – but to the birthday of her late mum.

Gaynor, 51, realised a lifetime ambition in 2008 when she opened Loopy Lorna’s tearoom in Morningside, Edinburgh.

She named the cafe in memory of her mum, Lorna Salisbury, who she said not only loved tea, cake and scones but taught her to enjoy the “loopy” side of life.

Mum-of-two Gaynor was ­diagnosed with breast cancer just two months after opening Loopy Lorna’s.

She received the news on Christmas Eve 2008 and ­underwent a mastectomy, ­chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

But Gaynor says just as she named her ­business in memory of her mum, she wants her One Day to remember the woman who inspired her. Gaynor, of Edinburgh, said: “When I found the lump in my breast it was quite big and the cancer had gone into my lymph nodes so I knew there was a good chance it could have spread.

“Initially my treatment seemed to have gone well but in June last year I discovered it had spread to my ovaries, and now it is in my liver.

“People think cancer is something that is never going to happen to them but ­unfortunately I know it does.

“You just have to get on with living your life as best you can and hope that new treatments can be found.”

Gaynor says her daughter Haneka, 20, and son Rowan, 16, help keep her strong.

She said: “Any mum wants to be there to see their children grow up, watch them graduate, see them achieve what they want to achieve in life.

“That is my aim too.

“I do find it very uplifting to hear the great work our cancer scientists are doing and the breakthroughs they are making.

“My One Day wish is that this work will continue and keep giving people like me real hope.”