Saturday, September 25, 2010

Experiment on Blocking Of Social Media

Being constantly connected by social media can increase tension,  weaken personal relationships, and even cause sleep loss, according to  a U.S. university.

After imposing a week-long blackout in the use of Facebook, Twitter,  instant messaging and other media, Harrisburg University of Science and  Technology in central Pennsylvania got that the pervasive technology  had hidden pitfalls.

"Students realized that social media, especially Facebook and instant  messaging, if not managed properly, can take over their lives," said  Eric Darr, the college provost.

The 800-student college called for the ban to see how the technology  affects the lives of students and faculty.

Most students complied with the week-long experiment earlier this month  and some discovered that the technology could rule their lives.

Darr cited one student who felt compelled to check Facebook 21 hours a  day and blocked posts between 2 and 5 in the morning to get some sleep.

It sounds like an addiction to me, said Darr, who initiated the  blackout, which was implemented by blocking social media access to the  college's IP address.

Darr acknowledged that students or faculty who felt forced to feed  their social media habituation could do so via smartphones, but he said  most complied, and some were pleasantly surprised by what they found.

"The majority of students behaved much like smokers who sneak  cigarettes after class," he said. "They would sneak off to check things  on their smart phones."

But some discovered that they were less stressed because they were not  able to constantly check their friends' Facebook status and got more  time to do different things.

other students found themselves more likely to have face-to-face  meetings with students or faculty who normally communicate exclusively  by social media.

Student Amanda Zuck said she isn't a heavy user of Facebook but was "a  little irritated" at first by being unable to use the site.

Zuck wrote in an email that she didn't see much advantage in the  project for herself but she added that it had probably helped a friend  whom she said is addicted to Facebook.

"She decided to call it quits for a few weeks while she catches up on  school, and I think this blackout helped her stick with it," Zuck  wrote.

The project allowed all members of the college community to reflect on  how social media tools affect their lives.

Only by stopping and paying attention can we understand, Darr said.  We may not even be aware that social media plays a big part in what we  do and how we do it.

Harrisburg appears to be the first U.S. college to conduct such an  experiment, which probably would not have been possible in larger  academic institutions with more complex infrastructure, Darr said.

The project prompted protests from some people who sent emails arguing  it infringed their freedom of speech, he said.

While the results are still being analyzed, the conclusions seem to be  that social media should be used alongside old-fashioned personal  communication.


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