Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Health Solution Scientists create candy that prevents tooth decay

Health Solution Scientists create candy that prevents tooth decay

Good news for people who rejoice eating sweet treats but are wary of tooth decay!

Researchers have developed a new 'sugar-free' candy that reduces the amount of cavity-causing bacteria on the teeth.

The candy developed by Christine Lang of the Berlin biotech firm Organobalance and her colleagues contains dead bacteria that bind to the bacteria most likely to cause cavities.

Subjects who ate the candy had reduced levels of "bad" bacteria in their mouths, 'Medical Xpress' reported.

After eating, bacteria attached to the surface of the teeth release an acid that dissolves the tooth enamel, leading to cavities.

Researchers said the strain of bacteria most likely to cause cavities is mutans streptococci.

Another type of bacteria, Lactobacillus paracasei, found in kefir, reduces levels of mutans streptococci and decreases the number of cavities in rats, researchers found.

Sugar on the surface of L paracasei binds with mutans streptococci.

Researchers believe that by binding with mutans streptococci, L paracasei prevents mutans streptococci from re-attaching to teeth.

Scientists create candy that prevents tooth decay

To test whether L paracasei could help prevent cavities in people, Lang and her team developed a sugar-free candy containing heat-killed samples of the bacteria. They then tested the candy on a group of 60 volunteers.

After the experiment, about three-fourths of the people who had eaten candies with bacteria had significantly lower levels of mutans streptococci in their saliva than they had had the day before, the report said.
Subjects who consumed candies with two milligrammes of bacteria experienced a reduction in mutans streptococci levels after eating the first candy.

By using dead bacteria, they were able to avoid problems live bacteria might have caused, researchers said.

Healthy Exercising regularly can prevent dementia

Healthy Exercising regularly can prevent dementia

Vigorous daily exercise can significantly reduce the risk of dementia, a 35-year study has found.

Taking regular exercise, non-smoking, a low body weight, a healthy diet and a low alcohol intake are five healthy behaviours that the long-term study identified as being integral to leading a disease-free lifestyle.
Healthy Exercising regularly can prevent dementia
People who consistently followed four or five of these behaviours experienced a 60 per cent decline in dementia and cognitive decline - with exercise being the strongest mitigating factor - as well as 70 per cent fewer instances of diabetes, heart disease and stroke, compared with people who followed none.

The number of people living with dementia worldwide is set to treble and reach 135 million by 2050, according to a recent analysis by Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI).

"The size of reduction in the instance of disease owing to these simple healthy steps has really amazed us and is of enormous importance in an ageing population," said Principle Investigator Professor Peter Elwood from Cardiff University's School of Medicine.

"What the research shows is that following a healthy lifestyle confers surprisingly large benefits to health - healthy behaviours have a far more beneficial effect than any medical treatment or preventative procedure," said Elwood.

Healthy Exercising regularly can prevent dementia

"If the men had been urged to adopt just one additional healthy behaviour at the start of the study 35 years ago, and if only half of them complied, then during the ensuing 35 years there would have been a 13 per cent reduction in dementia, a 12 per cent drop in diabetes, six per cent less vascular disease and a five per cent reduction in deaths," Elwood said.

The Caerphilly Cohort Study recorded the healthy behaviours of 2,235 men aged 45-59 in Caerphilly, South Wales, UK.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vitamin D may be effective in depression

The correction of vitamin D deficiency resulted in women with mild or severe depression to an improvement in their symptoms. "The vitamin may have a (yet unproven) impact on mood. And a shortage increased depression," says researcher Sonal Pathak. "If further research confirms this, we can improve the treatment of depression."
Pathak presented the results of a small study at the annual meeting of The Endocrine Society in Houston. She studied three women with depression. The women swallow antidepressants and had a vitamin D deficiency.
After twelve weeks with a vitamin D therapy was the deficit eliminated. In addition, all women reported an improvement in their depression symptoms. When a woman after therapy even a mild rather than severe depression.
Previous studies have also suggested that vitamin D affects mood and depression. According to Pathak is high time for a major study to see if the link is causal.

Bullied women have a higher risk of diabetes

Girls who are bullied at school are more likely to later in life to get a heart attack or obese.
Thus, a study by the Universities of Umeå and Stockholm, with 900 students followed from their 16th to 43rd.

The bullied girls when they reach the age of 40 often overweight, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. They also have an increased risk of developing diabetes.
The worse the women were bullied, the greater the risk of poor health.

The investigation revealed that many more women to suffer from bullying at a later age than men who are bullied. The researchers could not explain this difference.

Children from immigrant families are more often overweight

Children from immigrant families in Belgium camps more often overweight or obese than their peers. That report UGentop the basis of a large-scale study in European schoolchildren. The results will be published shortly in the journal Pediatric Obesity.
Researchers from the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences of Ghent University participated in the study, which in 2010 involved more than 7,000 schoolchildren from 10 to 12 years in Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and Spain. Among them are 1,008 children from Belgium, of which about 9 percent from immigrant families. These are children of foreign mother tongue or one of whose parents was born in another country.
The study shows that in Belgium, 23 percent of children from immigrant families are overweight. When indigenous children is 14 percent. The researchers explain that children from immigrant families usually drink more soda and less regular food. Breakfast is so often about beaten. Furthermore, they watch more television, they do less sport and they sleep less. "In contrast, however, that they walk or cycle to school more often," the researchers said.

The education, income and access to health play a role. A low level of education is thus a risk factor for obesity. The researchers observe that there is a greater difference in weight in children between the southern European and northern European countries than in children from immigrant families and native children. In Greece, as 42 percent of indigenous children and 30 percent of overweight children from immigrant families.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Eat at sunset would lose weight

Summer is approaching, any advice to put her swimsuit without complex is worth taking and we have a nice new ... According to one California study, eat in the hour of sunset would lose weight!

Within two months, many of us will give way to bikinis but the problem is that we have not lost our love handles due to our excess winter. It's time to lose some weight to be better in his sneakers and go back into our favorite short of last year. Regimes and calculating calories galore? No, we have a new solution. According to a California study of the Salk Institute, dinner at the hour of sunset would help lose unwanted pounds. Indeed, American researchers have managed to establish links between the metabolic cycles of organs and mealtimes.
The study published by the magazine "Cell Metabolism" emphasizes the relationship between cycles and night snacking. "Each body has its own rhythm. This means that our livers, our intestines, our muscles and other organs alternate between peak efficiency and ... somehow ... a state of sleep" says Satchidananda Panda, principal author of this research. To summarize, it is important not to eat fat before going to bed because it completely dérèglerait cycles of your organs. Down with the pot of chocolate ice cream or sandwich before going to sleep! Instead, choose a yogurt or other low fat dairy.
In this study, mice, divided into two groups, were subjected to a high fat diet. The first group of rodents could not eat anything after having access to food over a period of eight hours while the other group could eat galore. Despite a fatty diet, the metabolism of mice that mealtimes were limited improved. Their livers have suffered much less than those of mice that could eat as much as they wanted. To lose weight, it would therefore suffice to eat at one very specific, allowing a period of eight hours between lunch and dinner. Eating schedules of sunsets would be another little trick to remove our extra pounds for summer 2012. Even if it keeps repeating you, a balanced diet and regular exercise are the first steps we should take to lose weight effectively!

Weight Loss by Focusing on misconceptions

To lose weight you must remove fats, play sports intensively helps to lose weight faster or a course of vitamins C optimizes a diet ...

There are many tricks-thinness than was confused. To keep the line, we must also take stock of received ideas.

When discussing the chapter on "how to keep the line", each has its own recipe. The problem is that digging around for info, one is likely to fall on the hoax. To help you see more clearly, discover some misconceptions about slimming tips.

The water does not lose weight
Debunking the truth: totally devoid of calories, water is involved in the satiety but does not lose weight. It especially helps to drain and eliminate toxins. No need to force yourself to drink more than one and a half liters per day. During the day, you can drink hot or cold, as tea or broth.

The ideal is to skip meals
You thought not to be hungry in the morning? The concern is that the body needs fuel to get in shape all day. Otherwise it goes into "survival". Result, the next meal, it will store any food ingested, bloating effect ensured. Better to eat something than nothing at all, even a snack. Also, be aware that the keystone of a balanced diet is the regularity.

To lose weight, you must remove the starchy
Rather, it is starches that will help you stay on track of your goals, for a starchy meal without too quickly assimilated. The feeling of hunger reappears very quickly if you remove starches from your diet. Under these conditions, impossible to hold until the next meal without snacking. Good tip: opt for pasta, cereals or whole grain rice, more filling and low glycemic index.

It should also ban the fat
It is certain that abuse of fat is bad for the line but also to health, it is unnecessary to remove them completely. Why? Just because the body needs to draw energy and that all fats are not bad. As proof, the essential fatty acids found in vegetable oils and fish are all good for the body. Also, to avoid deficiencies, choose good fats.

Make cures apple (pineapple or grapefruit)
They were all already tested, these single-food diets that advocate to eat just one product for days. The best known is perhaps the apple diet. It is certain that unless you eat it, you will lose weight. But only for a while, because when you return to a normal diet, the pounds will flow. The yo-yo effect will be at the rendezvous.

Finally, for sport, it helps to tone and burn calories. Accompanied by a balanced diet, it may even allow to mature and become lighter. Also note that the body starts to burn fat from 45 minutes of physical activity. So it is best to practice a sport that does not require pushing too hard and for long periods.